Grievance Policy

STLHSS is committed to creating an anti-discrimination culture of belonging and accountability, where people can show up being their true selves, and we are working to model anti-discrimination practices in our organization and personal behavior. The discrimination grievance policy is to support diverse people to feel safe in the STLHSS community, on our social media platforms and in-person events, and to actively address and interrupt microaggressions, harassment, discrimination based on race/sex/gender/creed, and other forms of bigotry.


This policy ensures that:

  • All perceived violations and complaints of discrimination and harassment are considered seriously and dealt with in a manner that is fair, urgent, and consistent.
  • People reporting discrimination grievances feel that their grievances are addressed and taken seriously.
  • People reporting discrimination grievances do not experience any retaliation or victimization. This policy applies to all people who are a part of the STLHSS community, including but not limited to: officers and members, potential members, and guests at STLHSS events.



STLHSS defines bigotry as “prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.”


Examples include, but are not limited to, racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, and anti-Semitism.


STLHSS defines racism as “a system of oppression maintained by institutions and cultural norms that exploit, control, and oppress People of Color groups in order to maintain a position of social and material supremacy and privilege for white people.” (Source: People’s Institute Northwest for Survival and Beyond). This policy is intended in part to build a safe community for people of color.


STLHSS defines transphobia as “a system of oppression maintained by institutions and cultural norms that rejects trans identity and refuses to acknowledge that it is real and valid, effectively making it more difficult for trans people to live openly and comfortably in society.” (Source: modified from This policy is intended in part to build a safe community for transgender, nonbinary, or genderqueer people.


STLHSS defines homophobia as “a system of oppression maintained by institutions and cultural norms that rejects nonheteronormative sexualities and refuses to acknowledge that they are real and valid, effectively making it more difficult for gay/lesbian/bisexual/asexual etc people to live openly and comfortably in society.” This policy is intended in part to build a safe community for gay/lesbian/bisexual/asexual etc people.


STLHSS defines anti-Semitism as “a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of anti-Semitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.” (Source: Holocaust Remembrance Alliance). This policy is intended in part to build a safe community for Jewish people.

Discriminatory incidents include but are not limited to inappropriate comments, microaggressions, slurs, jokes, pictures, objects, threats, physical assaults, intimidation, institutionally or culturally bigoted policies, practices, and norms, unequal application of policies based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion, and unequal or biased treatment based on any of the above. This includes behaviors, actions, or systems that are not intended to be bigoted but harm people of marginalized groups, as well as intentional harassment or discrimination.



  1. Microaggressions, defined as “brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults toward people of color” (Source: The People’s Institute Northwest). Microaggressions related to sexism, transphobia, homophobia, and anti-Semitism are also unacceptable.
  2. Unwelcome comments and conduct with racial connotation(s) or subject matter that are demeaning to an ethnic group or people of a particular skin color or group. Demeaning comments related to gender, sexual orientation, and religion are also unacceptable.
  3. Offensive and vulgar jokes, name-calling, ridicule or mockery, insults or put- downs, stereotyping based on a person’s skin color, ethnicity, or national origin, physical gestures or enactments, or displaying racist photographs or objects;
  4. Unwelcome requests or demands for favorable treatment due to one’s skin color (white), ethnicity, or national origin; such demands or requests for favorable treatment are also not acceptable.
  5. Physical assaults or threats and intimidation
  6. Denial or obstruction of access to programs or opportunities with STLHSS
  7. Policies, practices, and norms that perpetuate institutional or cultural bigotry
  8. Unequal application of policies
  9. Any other bigoted misconduct that interferes with building a culture of belonging at STLHSS, where people can show up as their true selves
  10. Purposely dead-naming a transgender person is an example of transphobia.
  11. Equating the Holocaust to mask and/or vaccine mandates or denying the historical reality of the Holocaust are examples of anti-Semitism


A discrimination grievance is the reporting of a racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, anti-Semitic, or otherwise bigoted incident to the STLHSS Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee.


Reporting and Addressing Discriminatory Incidents

To address a discriminatory incident and report a discrimination grievance, STLHSS has the following procedure:

If you feel safe and able, directly address the person committing the discriminatory incident:

  • Address the person committing the incident directly.
    • You can have another person with you when addressing the person directly.
  • Name the behavior or activity and how it impacted you (or someone else, if you have their permission. If you are an observer, check-in with person impacted first before confronting the behavior. See “If you are an observer of a discriminatory incident” below.)
  • Explain that their action or behavior is against STLHSS values and policies and give them a chance to correct their actions.
  • If that does not resolve the incident, bring your concern to the STLHSS DEI Committee or an STLHSS officer as quickly as possible, using the contact information below.


The STLHSS Committee or officer will address the incident according to our investigation and grievance procedure listed below.

  • Complete discrimination grievance reporting form or report incident to the STLHSS Committee or officer so STLHSS has record of incident.


If you don’t feel safe or able, do not directly address the person committing the discriminatory incident:

  • Bring your concern to the STLHSS Committee or officer as quickly as possible, using the contact information below or discrimination grievance reporting form.
  • The STLHSS Committee or officer will address the grievance according to our investigation and grievance procedure listed below.
  • The STLHSS Committee or officer is responsible for recording the incident through the racial grievance reporting form and recording any action taken by STLHSS.


If you are an observer of a racist incident:

  • First, check in with the person experiencing the discriminatory incident to see what support they need and what course of action would be most helpful to them.
  • From there, determine next steps for addressing or reporting the discrimination grievance (see above for more details).
  • If you see someone address a discriminatory incident, offer them support and acknowledge their action to continue to build solidarity and community around interrupting bigotry.


Investigation and Grievance Procedure

Once the STLHSS Committee or officer is notified about a discrimination grievance and the person reporting requests follow up, they will first reach out to the person affected to hear their experience and decide on an appropriate course of action that best supports and protects the affected person.


Next steps may include:

  • The STLHSS committee or officer communicating one on one with the offender to share the feedback, reinforce our values, and determine a corrective action plan.
  • Conducting a prompt, thorough, and fair investigation towards a resolution.
  •  Dismissing offender from STLHSS and/or STLHSS programs and events.
  • Training or education for offender or community at large.
  • Updating STLHSS’ policies, norms, and practices to dismantle institutionalized and/or cultural racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, and anti-Semitism at STLHSS.

    • The STLHSS committee may reach out to other STLHSS officers for support in addressing the discrimination grievance, but only with the permission of the person who experienced the incident.
    • If a discrimination grievance is reported anonymously, STLHSS officers will determine the best course of action to address the grievance with the information provided.
    • The STLHSS Committee or officer will record any further actions taken in response to submitted grievance reports.

      STLHSS Officers and Representatives

      Every STLHSS officer, member, and event teacher or participant should see themselves as a representative of STLHSS if someone needs assistance in addressing a discrimination grievance.


      • STLHSS Officers (contact whomever you feel most comfortable)
        • Erin Mara, Treasurer,, @gracies.fancy on Instagram and Discord
        • Carrie Wright, officer, @ajaneitesews on Instagram and Discord
        • Camille Buckley, officer, @slightlyhistorical on Instagram
        • Jean Eckert, officer, @fabricatinghistory on Instagram
        • Juanita Panico, officer, @sewwhimsically on Instagram
        • Hairan Zuchelli, officer, @brazilianbaroness on Instagram
        • DEI subcommittee,




      Tracking and Recording Information

      STLHSS will maintain a record of reported discrimination grievances and actions taken to hold ourselves accountable to addressing these grievances and continuously learning and growing as an organization.

      • All reported discrimination grievances must be recorded in the discrimination grievance reporting form. This includes reporting from:
        • Person who experienced or witnessed a discriminatory incident,
        • People who are contacted about reporting a discrimination grievance on behalf of someone else may contact any of the above contacts or complete our discrimination grievance reporting form, or
        • STLHSS officers or representatives who are contacted about reporting a discrimination grievance.
      • The DEI Committee will receive email notifications when the form is completed.
      • The DEI Committee is responsible for ensuring that any action taken by STLHSS is recorded on the reporting form response spreadsheet.


      Confidentiality, Access to Information, and Protection from Retaliation

      • All grievance reports will be treated as confidential to the extent possible while addressing the grievance.
      • Grievances reported via the discrimination grievance reporting form will be shared with the DEI Committee, and other people as appropriate to address the grievance.
      • Threats, other forms of intimidation, and retaliation against a person reporting a discrimination grievance or any other party involved in implementing the discrimination grievance policy are violations of the policy and are grounds for expulsion from STLHSS membership and/or an event at which these occur.


      Acknowledgements and Sources

      Our discrimination grievance policy and reporting form are modeled on the Seattle Works Racial Grievance Policy.